Beyond Omicron, 
Relaxed Restrictions 
What’s Next ?

March 5, 2022

Omicrom, new variants and what is next for the world of media content production in our new normal?
As mask mandates are relaxed and regulations are eased, what does that mean for the world of media production?

The CDC, Scientific consensus and our governmental brain trust have determined with the subsiding Omicron surge that we will live with COVID and trying maintain a pre-covid lifestyles and work environments. 

Is it too early or not advisable from a scientific standpoint to relax our mitigation measures? 

The answer is NO. 

We are in the ideal position to relax guidelines, protocols and restrictions. However that does not mean COVID is not a concern nor does it mean that we can not monitor and revise our measures commensurate to the dynamic and fluid epidemiological conditions we face in the pandemic – post pandemic – return to pandemic as the science dictates.

Omicron variant was an extremely transmissive, but relatively pathophysiological mild mutation of the Corona-19 virus. This variant was very fortunate, as many unvaccinated were motivated to vaccinate and NYS is approaching the target of a 90% vaccinated populace. 
Due to recent and mild infection through Omicron, many vaccinated and unvaccinated, now have boosted immunity. This immunity may last 3-6 months or until a newer variant evades these antibodies.

In most counties in NYS, infections are below 10 per 100,000 of the population and risk today is incredibly low, meaning the odds of interacting with an infected person in quite low – this coupled with an 88% vaccination rate and increased immunity of our populace, we have extremely low infection rates and lowering mitigation efforts at this time makes perfect sense. 

Unfortunately we have not eliminated COVID 19 world-wide or even nationally. and there are still states in the USA that have local hot spots. Internationally there are more than a few hot spots and refugee migration in Europe might elevate infection rates. 

The more a virus replicates the better the odds of a new mutation generating a dangerous transmissive variant. The less it replicates the lower the odds. However as long as infections continue to spread, there is the chance of this variant occurring. Until we can vaccinate a large portion of the worlds population or isolate the virus, it will remain with us. It is possible a refugee crisis in Eastern Europe exacerbate  Covid 19 and facilitate spread of infection and foster new variants.

For now our 7 days averages for NY and CA for infection per 100k are below 10, R0 rates are below 1 & positivity rates are all indicative of low risk and have met the De-Escalation triggers prescribed by SAG, AFTRA, DGA and a host of the trade union guidelines that direct our actions for Union and Non-Union alike.
So while we should take advantage during this time of lower risk expected to preside over the next few months, we should remain vigilant and aware that this situation is not static and could change at any time.

While we can’t say for certain what union protocols will look like after April; it could be we are allowed to me be maskless on set, we may only need to test weekly, bi-weekly or possibly only when some one is symptomatic.  What we can say – from a covid standpoint for content production is that this spring should be amongst the safest of times, within the past two years, to enter into production.
However – we do recommend health & safety remain a consideration and a flexible/scalable and well prepared health & safety plan be in place for every production. 

At Show Health & Safety – we have experienced experts in Infection Control, Health & Fire Safety, Emergency Medical Response and Emergency Management. We can help you manage risk and comply with changing protocols as they evolve and determine a path that will lower costs, ensure safety and better your on set environment. in addition to offering CCOs pre-employment testing, on set covid testing — we are offering to provide a HST/Medic on set to manage any covid or other health, safety or medical issues – and provide infection control guidance – onsite testing if determined necessary.

Please call us today to review your plans for any upcoming productions.